So as promised I got back on the sattle again! I had such a great success with the Couch to 5k program that I thought why not do it again. I got my gym bag ready, sporty outfit on, hair in a perfect workout pony tail (yes sometimes my work out mood can and is determined by my ponytail. Don't judge.) And I headed off to the Boys & Girls Club. In order to save money for the wedding I have chosen to use the Club gym as my gym of choice. For my wallet this is a great idea but for my workouts, it can be a little tough. Imagine putting a treadmil in the middle of your office and trying to workout. Parents and kids everywhere. Someone always there to have a converstation with. I bet you understand a little more what I mean when you invision yourself working out where you work.
Today, however, I made eye contact with as few people as possible as I entered the building. I only made some form of communication with my friend Kim as she worked the front desk. I am glad that she understood my almost military like hand signals that I was going up to the gym and that I'd talk to her (and everyone else) I put my head down and made it to the gym succesfully without talking to a single sole. I began my workout and couldn't believe how great it felt. I had debated starting the C25k program halfway thru but I said to myself you have to build a base of success in order to achieve your goals. In other words baby steps.
In the program the first week starts out with 20 minute workout where you jog for 60 seconds and then walk for 90 seconds. I started out going 6.0 for jogging and then brought it down to 3.5 for my walks. When I went to go back to a run, I slipped up and went 6.5. I thought in that split second "just try it" Success. I walked. Time to jog again. My fingers hit the speed up to 6.7. Again, I was like "just try it" This happened a few more times until I was at 7.5 speed for the day. I'm not sure what a fast speed is on the treadmil, I'm sure I sound like a total turtle but I was so proud of myself. All those feelings of success came flooding back to me. It felt great. And I am hooked again. YESSAH BUDDY BOY!
With that said I am challenging any of my followers that have not done a 5k to start training this week or next week. I will find a race for us to run in or we can just go for our own run. I want other people that have said they can't to "just try it" and see what happens. Make a pledge to join my "team" of runners as we get healthy and back on track. Whose with me?
Dee I so want to do this but I am terrified I will fail... Ugh. Congratulations to you though! I know starting back up is the hardest thing. That's where I am at right now... Continually putting off the "first" workout.