Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Now I would just like to start this blog by saying I am NOT even close to becoming Bridezilla HOWEVER there are thing with this whole wedding process that are really starting to get me mad.

     I don't understand why caterers are so difficult to work with. I am only allowed to pick from five caterers at our venue. We can't bring in anyone else, we've asked.  I think the caterers know that so when they don't get back to me for a week at a time, they think its okay.  I just want to try your damn beef option to figure out if you are the one I want to work with.  I mean I would think they would be jumping at the chance to work with brides.  We are giving them a HUGE amount of money.  I honestly want to feel like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when I walk into these meetings.  You know the part I am talking about.  She is shopping and has all the women attending to her every need because "Edward" and the store managers convo:
Mr. Hollister: Just how obscene an amount of cash are we talking about here? Profane or really offensive?
Edward Lewis: Really offensive.
Catering companies I am prepared to spend a really offensive amount of money. 

I guess when I say offensive its more offensive to me.  $45 a plate for chicken? Give me a break. The cost of chicken normally and the cost of chicken at a wedding is ridiculous.  I want to punch these people in the face when they look at me straight in the face and try to justify it being a normal price.  Its normal to all you caterers who like to make us poor. Its not normal for the rest of the world.  Anyways, they should be calling/emailing me back right away.  I deserve to be "Viv", dont' I?

I have three choices for church.  St. Clements (my aunts church) Sacred Heart in Cambridge (my father's church) or St Agnes ( Arlington Church)  I thought I should get married at St Agnes merely because kids from the Club can go with their parents to the church.  So many of my kids have asked if they could come to the wedding so I said they could come to the church. So I called the Priest about two weeks ago and I haven't heard back from him. I am going to call the Priest again but I hate the fact that I am nervous about doing so.  My friend Shelia's mom has been so encouraging and telling me I just need to relax about calling the priest.  I know I should just relax but I know how important it is to my mother and that if I screw this up I will never hear the end of it. 

Wedding List
I am having huge guilt over the amount of people I can have at the wedding, who is going to make the final list and the hurt feelings that are going to come when we do make our final selections.  I have to get my list down because of the stupid caterers.  I just don't have the money to invite all the people I want.  In the same sense I really feel like I shouldn't have to invite some of the people on my "have to invite"list either.  I really don't want to invite the people in my family that I know could careless if they are there or not.  The ones that feel like I should go cause its "Joe's Daughter."  I don't know its frustrating and I am sure I am not the only bride who has gone thru this and I won't be the last.

I haven't flipped out and killed anyone yet which I think is impressive.  I keep telling myself that I will not become Bridezilla, I will not become Bridezilla...I hope it works. 


  1. Hey there

    A note on the caterers (I have some experience having worked in catering for some time now)

    I am sure it is frustrating that they are not getting back to you but imagine having 12-20 brides who all want your attention (and that's just brides they likely do other types of functions as well). Though anymore than a week with out getting back to you is a bit ridiculous.

    As far as plate cost you should find out what that includes. If its just chicken and some sides then 45 dollars may be a bit much but if they are anything like the place I work for it could include quite a bit more. Out plates included a first course (salad or soup) main entree and dessert/coffee and also took into account the cost of servers. So find out what that 45 dollars includes!

    Hope I was somewhat helpful. Happy planning! :)

  2. Mystery Commenter, you were VERY helpful in your advice and comments. I will try to be a little more understanding of the caterer. I appreciate the other side prospective.

  3. Dee remember this is YOUR wedding and you dont have to do anything you dont want to do. As for inviting people, people understand, also thats why you have A list B list C list. Not EVERYONE will be able to make it and then you go to your next list of people.
    If you werent such an awesome person people wouldnt want to go to your stinkin wedding LOL

    Hey I was pregnant and having a wedding which is why the first wedding I cancelled LOL In the end I got what I WANTED!!!

  4. Sorry the mystery commenter was me (Jessica Giles) Was working and not supposed to be blog commenting...opps!

  5. Dee - you invite who you guys want at the wedding. When I got married, half the people there were friends of my dads, not mine. Don't worry about hurt feelings - this is your day and you should have people around you that you want to share in your day. Not that your Uncle Buster didn't throw quite the party for us, but I didn't know a bunch of the people there. SO.....for the second time - it was my immediate family.
    Bottom line - DO WHAT YOU WANT!

