Tuesday, July 19, 2011

It never fails...

This morning while getting ready for bootcamp I came across my "Yessah Buddy Boy" t-shirt and thought I should throw it on. For those of you who forgot or missed that post, I had a tshirt made for the road race that I ran with a saying that my dad used to say.  I've been missing my dad recently (well everyday.)  Its not that crying myself to sleep kinda of missing but more of I just wish I could call him up and talk to him missing.  So I thought the shirt would give me an extra boost.
    Right before we started bootcamp this morning a woman came up to me and was like "Oh I came across your blog and love it.  I think we have a few mutual friends."

"Oh thank you"

"But there's more.  Was your father a Cambridge Police officer, Joe Savioli?"

"Yes, I'm his youngest."

"Oh my family knows him..." And she went on to talk about how her husband family grew up around the my sisters.  Before we could finish the convo our trainer was ordering us to begin camp. 

It never fails when I need it someone out of nowhere comes up to me and says "Was your dad Joe Savioli?"  They always have such great things to say about him and it makes me feel like he is here still with me, that the world hasn't forgotten about him.  I mean if you knew my dad you would know that I don't think people could EVER forget him.  He just had this good time personality and people just adored him.  I remember as a kid that everywhere we went he knew SOMEONE.  We never went anywhere that someone didn't come up and say "Joe good to see you!" and shake his hand.  My stepmother said once that out of all my sisters that I had my dad's personality the most.  I always took that as a compliment. 

So as this journey continues I feel his support even though he is gone.  I'm sure my new bootcamp friend has no idea how that little 2 minute convo made my entire day and really helped me get through a tough class.  Thank you!

On a side not I'm heading to San Fran this October.  My friend Lauren Puff (WHO HASN'T STARTED HER OWN BLOG AND NEEDS TO) has been saying for forever that I should come see her.  I made tons of excuses why not to go but finally Sunday night I said "Why not?!?"  Kevin and a few friends have offered to pay for it for my birthday present which is incredible.  I will get to cross off a whole bunch of things on my "Bucket List" that I made after my dad passed.  I feel a little bit closer to him everytime I check something off and find no other perfect way to ring in my 30th.  Loving it and loving life!


  1. Well, Deanna thanks for making my day. As you are finding out, our wonderful Dad's are with us all the time. They are our angels. I often think if I had just one day with Vito, what would I do? I know I wouldn't sleep it away.

    Can you hear his laugh now? And feel his hug? Those 2 minute conversations about our Dad's do keep us going, with many more to come honey. Cherish them in your heart. Thats all we have left with all the wonderful photos and memories.

    Your doing such a great job in your life...keep moving forward Deanna. You are like your Dad but also there's a little Mr. S in you too.


    Sandra ; )
