Tuesday, July 5, 2011

THAT friend

Yesterday was a friend of mine's birthday.  I sent the official facebook birthday wishes and told him I missed him.  A typical message for someone you haven't talked or have seen in awhile.  In fact I haven't seen him since he moved to a Caribbean Island for work.  Today I got a message back from him telling me thanks for the birthday wishes, he missed me too and update my blog.  Update my blog? I got taken back by the message because I didn't think many of my male friends really read this thing.  Its nice to know that my hard work isn't just recognized by the ladies but some of you boys as well. 
    It got me thinking about how jealous I am of his opportunity to live the island life for 2 years. He wakes up with a cool ocean breeze flowing thru his windows, palm trees everyday and I am sure he wears a million of those Hawaiian shirts while enjoying the local rum.  Doesn't that sound just amazing? He is now in that category of people that can throw out in causal conversation about this incredible time in their lives. I have a few friends that can have convo's like that...

"...that remind of the time I went back packing through Europe"

" Oh Paris is one of my favorite cities"

"When I flew to Hong Kong on business a few weeks ago"

" Oh I just hopped on a train and ended up in Spain for the weekend."

"Yea I moving from Seattle to San Fran all by myself just because I love the city.  I don't have a job but hey it will work out"

You all have a least one of these friends.  I LOVE these kinds of friends.   I don't get to talk to them as much but when I do they always have some kind adventure. Some of them should start their own blogs and share them with alot more people besides me.  (yes Lauren Puff I am talking about you.)  It makes me long for my own adventure though.  I wonder how my life would be different if I became one of these people who just had the guts to pack and go.  See the world.  Climb mountains.  Get lots of stamps in your passport (I don't even own a passport)  I know I've talked about crossing things off my bucket list but I feel like I haven't done much about it.  I'm only turning 30 in November but I feel like I haven't done much of anything.  Maybe its a not so mid life crisis or maybe its more than that...

   Getting healthy makes you want more out life simply because you can do more. Ever since being able to fit on the rides again, zipping up a size smaller jeans, climbing stairs without loosing my breathe, etc I want more out of life.  For anyone who is heavier and reading this for support, I know you understand the feeling of wanting more.  This "wanting" is something that you have to let be your motivation through the tough workouts, early mornings/late nights, cravings and weak moments.  We all have them.  I want more out of life and from this point on, I going to do my very best to make sure that I take advantage of each opportunity I have.  No matter if I have taken a minor set back in my journey.  No matter how little amount of weight I have put back on.  I want to loose the weight.  I want more out of life and I am not looking back.

How about that for an update? (Thank you for the much needed kick in the ass)   

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