Thursday, December 8, 2011

Crushing it!

BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP. 5:30am. Snooze button. BEEP BEEP BEEP snooze button.  BEEP BEEP BEEP. Kevin shaking my shoulders "Babe its time to get up!" Ugh. Kevin walks out of the room and leaves the light on so I have to get up.  I hate him this early in the morning.  I throw on my workout clothes.  Splash water on my face and put my hair into this mess of a bun onto of my head.  I look at myself in the mirror and say to myself "Why do you need to get up this early?"
    I arrive at bootcamp and there is Matt ready and pumped up to go.  How does he have this much energy this early.  He tells me he gets there at 5:15am to set up for our 6am class and I know he's not kidding.  He is the type of trainer that gets excited about crazy things like burpies and throwing medicine balls against walls.  I feel the more I groan about something, the more he likes it.  So I've learned to not groan as much.  He gets the class going by pure motivation and very often he uses the phases "Crush it" I laughed at him the first time i heard it.  Crush it! Just sounds so California surfer but I've grown to really like it - CRUSH IT.  I've taken the phrase on as a personal morning mantra. I need to push myself.  I have gone to bootcamp two weeks in a row and I am down 5lbs.  I am eating healthy again.  I drink more water.  I am going to hit my goals and I am going to crush my weight.  I'm still not back to my weight I was before I gave up on my journey but I'll get there. 
     As much as I hate mornings I feel so much better for getting it out of the way. Its 730am and I have already drank one of my 32oz of water, worked out and had the most fabulous breakfast.  (By the way Yo plait makes a pre-made smoothie now that you just have to add milk and blend. FAN FREAKING TASTIC) But I have already crushed it for the day while most people have gotten up and just gone to work.  So as much as I hate mornings.  I hate where my body is at more.  And that is going to be what makes me crush it until I am back to Dee. 

1 comment:

  1. You know you can do this! You can do anything! Your Dee Friggen Savioli!!
