Monday, December 5, 2011

The Christmas Spirit

Tis the season...right? It starts in October with the first radio station to give up their airways to the 24 hours of Christmas music.  Then the ads and coupons start pouring in.  Thanksgiving comes with many thanks and then its time to getting ready for the early morning shopping.  Then it comes so quickly but there are cars with trees strapped to the top of them driving past. Christmas party invites come fast and furious.  People's houses are lit up by lights and lawn ornaments.  Every day there is a new card in the mail from a loved one.  All of a sudden its Christmas. 
     For me, its hard time of year.  I do my part by going to the parties, smiling, shopping, the works but deep down there is a bit of sadness that comes with this season.  Almost nine years ago I lost my grandfather two days before Christmas.  He was sick for quite sometime.  I was in college at the time and never knew how bad he was getting.  I was lucky enough to be home from college in time for me to say goodbye.  At the same time that year, my dad was in the hospital.  He was so sad being in the hospital for the holidays.  So my sister Melissa and I took fake snow and wrote on the sidewalk outside his window "Merry XMAS Big Joe" so when he looked out he would see it.  I remember him calling in the nurses and telling anyone who would listen that his girls had done that for him.  I've never seen a father so proud in my life to see his daughters break the law.  After that year, h e always seemed to be not his best at Christmas.   and then right around this time 2 years ago is when my father started to get worse. 
     So its been hard getting in the spirit holiday...that was till this weekend.   Saturday morning I went over and saw my niece before work.  She was her usual bouncy, funny little girl.  They had just decorated the tree the night before and she was eager to show me her favorite ornament.  She then started to talk about how Santa was coming really soon.  There is nothing like hearing a child get excited about Santa coming for the first time and truly understanding what that means.  Right after I left Alice is was off to the Club.  Our annual Christmas tree sale was going on as soon as I arrived.  The smell of Christmas filled my nose as soon as I opened my car door.  All day people were in and out buying trees and it felt good to say "Have a merry Christmas" as I handed each person their receipt.  They were all just so happy to be starting their Christmas season with a tree from the Club.  I couldn't help but feel the Christmas spirit. 
    That was until kids from the Club didn't get picked up until 5:30ish from the Club.  Half hour after we close causing me to be half hour behind my getting ready schedule to go to the Nutcracker.  I of course spent the next half hour running around my apartment freaking out about time. Not being able to fully get ready myself.  By the time we got to Tim and Danielle's house I was in a panic.  As soon as I walked in Tim asked if I wanted a glass of wine and it worked like a charm.  I was back in the mode again. When we arrived at the Opera House we walked in and it was decked out from floor to ceiling in beautiful Christmas decorations.  Little girls were dressed up in the prettiest dresses and they were so wide eyed and excited about seeing the Nutcracker for the first time.  It was so touching to see them that it brought me back to the first time I saw it.  And that Christmas spirit filled me again.
     If that wasn't enough I spent part of my day with Kevin and his friends on Sunday.  One of his friends was trying to decorate his place for his fiance that is out of the country 2 weeks.  They spent the day debating lights and wreaths and colors.  I had never seen any of them put such effort into trying to capture the holiday spirit like these three guys.  It was heartwarming to see how big of deal it was to them to get it right, to make it perfect.  By the time they were done (10pm) they were so proud of their work it was beyond adorable .
    I am going to try to keep this holiday spirit going this year.  Its been an incredible start and I couldn't be more thankful for that.  I am a lucky girl and I am looking forward to the holiday this year. 

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