Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What would you do with 12 days?

Its 2012! Shall I say Its FINALLY 2012! (Insert happy dance here) I am getting married this year! I am buying my wedding dress this year.  I am going to be an O'Neil this year! This has been the year of my life that I have been waiting for what feels like forever.  I am so happy, excited and hopeful as this new year starts! I think its put a little extra pep in my step.  I was very bubbly at bootcamp this morning and I am hoping this go lucky feeling stays with me as I go back to work today after a little break over the December holiday vacation time. 

I read something very interesting on Jillian Michaels Facebook page that I thoughtI would share with my followers.  Jillian said that "the first 12 days of the new year set a tone for the rest of the year so start making the changes that you need to make today."  It sounds simple buts its true.  Its easy to start making these changes.  Go to the gym. Eat better. Blah blah, right? I know there are tons of people out there that say they are going to make changes and they do right up until February.  Thats when they say people quit their New Year resolutions.  So here is my challenge stop making or calling it a New Year Resolution(s)...You are making a lifestyle change.  You are starting your own journey.  You are making a better you today so tomorrow will be better. 

I want anyone who reads this to think of a lifestyle change or a goal for 2012...write it down. I  don't care if it has nothing to do with working out, loosing weight.  You have to have a goal that you can obtain by the end of 2012.  Maybe pay off a school loan.  Maybe to try to have a better relationship with your family/friends/husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend, etc.  Maybe its to go somewhere new.  Make a plan.  WRITE IT DOWN.  Why do you think I blog? I blog to keep me focused on my goal.  It keeps me grounded and accountable.  Accountability is huge when goal setting.  Make sure other people know about your goal(s).  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Other people knowing what you are trying to do will help you when you loose your way because you will.  At some point you'll hit a roadblock, you'll want to quit.  Building a support team behind you will not only help but it will guarantee success. 

My goals for 2012:
- I want to drink 80oz of water a day for a whole month
- I want to run St. Patty's day 5k in Somerville
- I want to to beat my time and run the entire time during the Patriots day road race
- I want to have to buy new bathing suits by the summertime
- I want to have really defined arms on my wedding dress
- I want to like steam broccoli
-I want to hike Mt.Washington
- I want to pass the lifeguard test at the club
- I want to see my weight in the 100's
- I want to take Kevin's breathe away when he sees me walking down the aisle. 

I am going to take these first 12 days of the year and set myself up to succeed.  What are you going to do with these 12 days????

1 comment:

  1. Great blog and congrats on all your hard work! Add a little garlic salt to your steamed broccoli to start thats how I trained myself to enjoy it :)
