Thursday, March 24, 2011

First outdoor run and random thoughts

So Tuesday morning I went for my first run outside.  I don't know if I would call it a fail but I wouldn't call it my best run ever.  I learned the hard way that the treadmill and outdoor runs are two COMPLETELY different runs.  There are so many different factors that went into why I wasn't as successful as I hoped. 

1) Its cold outside.
       My lungs don't do well in cold weather, never have and hopefully someday they will.

2) The ground is uneven.
       Especially after the long winter the sidewalk isn't clear yet.  Beware of branches and potholes.

3) I didn't map out a route
      Before leaving for a run, know where you are going.  This can help set goals along the way such as once you make it to (insert spot here) you can turn around.

I would appreciate any helpful hints from any runners out there!!!

I highly recommend moving to Naples, Florida with my friend Lisa.  She strongly encourages running outdoors with the beautiful outdoor weather.  I think she may even by the beach.  I hate her right now.  I am kinda serious.  I am sick of the cold and I am ready for spring? Anyone else agree?

A few side notes:

I am cooked dinner for Meri, Andrea, Auntie Colleen and AnneMarie tonight.  I made enough chicken for five people.  Does anyone see where I went wrong yet?  I didn't cook for myself.  I am trying so hard with this whole cooking thing but keep making dumb little mistakes like that.  Is there any other Italians out there that can't cook like me?? I had a boyfriend once tell me that he was so lucky to find the ONLY Italian out there that didn't know how to cook.  Its true HOWEVER I have been trying really hard to learn how to cook and to cook healthy.  My sister and brother in law keep asking when they are going to be invited over but I am too nervous to invite them over yet.  I know I will make another major screw up and they will never let me live it down.

I started a walking club with the kids at work.  I was so sick of sitting there every afternoon BEGGING kids to go up to the gym.  Do kids really go outside anymore? We used to run around the neighbor playing for hours.  My mother had to get one of those Triangles (dinner bell) to call us in for dinner because she didn't want to yell through the neighborhood when it was getting dark out.  Anyways, the kids seem to like it and it gives me another mini work out

I have changed the settings on the blog so that ANYONE can leave a comment.  I didn't realize that I had set it up wrong up until five minutes ago so everyone that keeps telling me that they try to leave comments on the blog, you can now without setting up a blogger account!!! And when leaving comments, can you post your name so that I recognize it? Like my friend Katie or Allison? I love your comments but have alot of Katie's and Allison's in my life.  I can kinda guess who it is but it would help me out!!!

Well enough with my random blog.  Happy Thursday everyone!!!


  1. Dee- you made me laugh with the lung comment-- i vaguely remember cold outdoor soccer practices! anyhow just a little suggestion to be careful when starting outdoors off the treadmill. go easy and start slow for now and hopefully with better weather you can stay outside. changes in surface make you susceptable to shin splints (make sure you treat them early if you get them so you don't end up with stress fractures!) are you up for a 10k in october???? i am on a mission to run the tufts...actually run it and not work the finish line med tent! (this will be my 5th attempt- either pneumonia, stress fractures or mono have sidelined me every other time)
    You are doing awesome with this! I am so proud of you!

  2. Hi Dee!

    I run a lot can probably see me running Mass Ave. in either direction any day of the week. I like to run in the cold but I hate how when the air is really cold how it hurts my throat. I did read in a runners world that if you wear a neck warmer this is supposed to help or even have it so it covers your mouth, this way when you breath in the air there is a buffer between the cold air entering your lungs.

    Also in terms of cooking, I love to cook and was not the best in the beginning but I know use cookbooks some of my favorites are Cook Yourself Thin Faster, Jaime Oliver Food Revolution, and Cook This Not That. They are all great cookbooks. Normally if you follow the directions you will cook the amount is says.

    I love reading your blog! Keep up the good work!

    Katie M.

  3. You cook great. Don't worry about messing up it's how you learn. The chicken you made me was great. You can do anything so don't stress.

  4. Thank for cooking last night.. The chicken was good:) I think I need to get myself Biggest Loser Cookbook.. I was one of the people that couldn't post so just wanted to let you know you are doing awesome with your workout! I look forward to reading your blogs keep up the good work love you! Annie
