Sunday, March 13, 2011


I don't remember the first time I heard it.  It was a pharse I heard my entire life whether it came booming across a soccer field after I scored a goal, from the under an umbrella at my college graduation, when I hit a grand slam to win the game in softball...


My dad would say that pharse whenever he was really proud of something.  It always came off like half laughter, half yelling.  There was so much pride behind it that if you weren't looking at him, you could hear him smile.  God, I loved hearing that phrase.  He said it a lot to me and I wish I had asked him where on earth did he come up with it.  My family has even taken it upon themselves to say it now.  When I was trying out for the Biggest Loser, I heard my sister call it out as I walked into the try out room.  I haven't told her yet but I needed to hear that right then.  It gave me an extra little boost to go into that room with confidence. I needed it then and I need it now. 

This week I posted a blog about how nervous I was doing Couch25k Week 5 and how I needed to get my weight into the 240's.  I am very happy to report that I have done both!!! (Que: YESSAH BUDDY BOYS NOW) Yup, this girl completed W5D3 and lived to talk about it.  I haven't looked at W6 yet however I am just allowing myself to enjoy this moment.  It was the same with the scale this morning.  Whenever I saw 249 on the scale, I fist pumped with excitement.  I know some of you out there can't ever imagine being excited about weighing 249 but for me this is truly a sign that I can do this.  It may come off pound by pound each week HOWEVER it is still coming off. 

So for the ones that reached your goal this week, went down in a size of pants, struggled but kept going, ran your first 5k this weekend in Somerville, played a much better soccer game this week than last, chose to drink coke zero instead of regular coke, I say...




    This is my shirt I am wearing for the roadrace.

  2. Fist pump away my friend!! That is AWESOME!!! I see other girls try to do what you are doing and well its not working for them but they also dont have half the dedication you do! You can do anything and I dont need to tell you that you already know it!! You are one of the few gems out there and you deserve to get everything you want and that includes being a skinny bride.. I heart you

  3. Deanna,

    I am so proud of you! You're working so hard and each accomplishment is amazing! Congratulations.


  4. And you deserve to feel this good Dee!! Continued success to you!

    P.S. Deetle - Love the shirt!

  5. You guys are really so amazing. I don't know what I did to get such a great support system.

    And my supporter who keep leaving amazing comments but you're name is all numbers who are you?

  6. I'm so PROUD of you!!! YESSAH BUDDY BOY xoxo
