Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Getting back on the horse

Anyone can be motivated.  Its staying motivated thats the problem.  As most of you can tell, I took a break from the whole blogging, life style change.  It happened kinda slowly.  I woke up late forgot to make my lunch. Didnt have time after work to prepare dinner.  The Bruins were in the playoffs, lets order out because its easier.  I started playing softball so 4 or 5 beers after the game felt good.  Once you're drinking you need something to eat.  Pizza, fries, chips, the works...

And thats how it happens.  In a blink of an eye I went from 237 to 243 pounds in about a month.  Its so depressing but I promised myself that when I started this whole journey that I wouldn't give up and that I would be honest with all my readers.  I haven't been.  I have been avoiding doing the blog because I wasn't being honest with myself.  Thats how the last 10 years have been.  I wasn't honest with myself about my weight/unhealthy lifestyle so thats how I got to 282 pounds.  So many people have said to me that they could never post how much they weigh or talk about their workouts.   Why? You have to face the facts and own your own health/weight.  Be honest with yourself and those around you.  You'll need people to remind you of your journey when you stop being honest with yourself to get back on track. 

ON A SIDENOTE Thank you to Gail who has been polietly asking me where my blog has been and for KY for coming right out and asking me as I am writing this entry.  I needed it!!!

I started back up this morning doing a bootcamp through Get in Tone with Rindone  It was tough but once I was done, I got that "Skinny Bride" feeling again.  I have that hunger to get my life back on track.  I can't allow things or people to get in my way.  So often we all let ourselves get too busy to take care of ourselves.  My biggest problem is taking care of everyone else around me first and myself last.  I have to learn to say no and I take care of me.  Does anyone else feel this way?

This maybe brief today but I need some motivating words and quotes from as many of you as possible to keep my tires pumped...Leave them here, facebook, send me messages, texts WHATEVER you can so I keep it going!!!!  


  1. Dee, just the fact that you are so honest here makes me smile. You are a beautiful, strong woman and have been since the day I met you! You have a drive and determination that no one and nothing can stop! I may not always be posting comments here for you but please know I think of you often and I know first hand what a struggle this is and how hard it is to stay on track. We are all on this journey with you and I want you to know that if you ever need a kick in the ass I would be happy to give it to you, but only if I get one back in return! (which, frankly is what you do every time I read your blog!) Stay strong and on track and I promise you I will do the same! Hugs!! :)
    ~Weebs :)

  2. Deanna...
    It isn't easy to admit where we've gone wrong in the things we do and the decisions we make but doing that is the first step in getting back on your road to a healthy lifestyle. I'm battling this battle myself right now. I am diabetic and at one point was able to come off my meds because I was keeping it under control with diet and exercise. However, over the last several days, my sugar has been dangerously high and I know it's because of my own actions and now I'm going to have to go back on medication which I have tried to avoid. But, admitting this to myself and others has opened me up to positive change and has made me feel like I'm not entirely powerless to fix it.
    You have a lot of friends, a huge family and a special "angel" looking down to support you and help you through this and give you gentle (or not) nudges in the right direction when you need it.
    Life throws things at us sometimes that cause us to veer off the path we've chosen and I am so proud of you for getting back on your path.

  3. well its about time lady!jk!! i was starting to think i was looking at the wrong site again haha... it's hard staying on track but its worth it especially look at what you've accomplished so far!!! stop taking care of everyone else and focus on yourself be selfish!!!...keep up the good work and keep posting... its a good motivation to yourself and all of us :)

    happy summer!

  4. tell that brother of mine to grab the harness on the horse and pull it along even horses need support to keep them on track. Maybe he needs the kick in the ass,LOL. But that being what it is i know your strong enough to do this and if you need motivational music ( i am woman by helen ready ) i heard it the other day and my first thought was you!
